Recovering wallet address for deposits

Suppose somebody deposits BTC or BNB to my Binance BNB/BTC wallet.

If I inspect my ‘deposits’, each deposit has minimal information:

  • For “Internal Transfer”, there is a Note field giving e.g. ‘Internal transfer 50249155428’
  • For “External Transfer”, there is a TxIDe.g. d26c2babd7d326902877691530e2b8c0bab93fd17d3b264a640f80c8a6485ced which links to a transaction page on This contains about 20 transactions, but the amount I transacted doesn’t appear in the list.


  • For internal transfers is it possible to recover the sender wallet address from the internal transfer #? Is it possible to get more information using this transfer #?

  • For external transfers, is it possible to recover the sender wallet address?

  • It seems weird to me that transfers show MY wallet address, not the SENDER wallet address. I already know my own wallet address. There is no benefit to seeing it appear next to each transfer. I only have one anyway. Can I have more? Is this an error by Binance, and they meant to be showing the SENDER wallet address? Which would actually be useful…