Public liquidation data incomplete in snapshots since April 27 2021

Since the change to snapshots on the 27 April 2021, there’s a huge amount of data missing in each snapshot for the forceOrder USD-M websocket streams.

If multiple liquidations happen for the same symbol in one snapshot, it will only include the last one, even if it is smaller than others or even for a different side.

Our trading systems were dependent on the integrity of this data stream, with multiple VIP investors trading with us. Our volume went from several thousand 30d BTC to almost 0 because our strategies cannot work without the missing data. Investors are angry and the dropped volume from our trading also means a huge drop in commission fees paid by our trading activity to binance.

Every day that this data is missing it hurts binance, it hurts investors and it hurts our business. We have tried the telegram group and the support channels but no one will give us feedback. Please find a way to add this missing data to the snapshot streams. Either aggregate it or provide it raw. Anything is better than the missing data we have now.

Other exchanges have either already added realtime market liquidation feeds, or have short-term plans to do so soon (e.g. okx). Please re-evaluate providing the missing data in the market liquidation data, either agg liquidation data every second, or realtime.

Thank you!

Thank you for the feedback, Customer Support is the best channel to share the concern. Hopefully they can be helpful on this.