Public endpoint "List All Swap Pools" requires API key


Seems to be a small bug in the API where the public endpoint “List All Swap Pools” requires an API key. When omitting X-MBX-APIKEY in the header it returns "msg": "API-key format invalid."

I can only find this issue with this specific endpoint:

  • /sapi/v1/bswap/pools

Hi there, the endpoint’s security type is MARKET_DATA, which requires API Key.
This info is available at Binance API Documentation

Ah ok, but in this case, I would say that the “Market Data” definition is causing some confusion because it’s currently used for two different things:

  • “Market Data” is an endpoint category seen in the left-side menu (I assumed all these endpoints didn’t require an API key)
  • “MARKET_DATA” refers to the security type

Within the Market Data category, there is one endpoint with MARKET_DATA security type while all other endpoints don’t require an API key.

It’s also a bit strange that the BSWAP Pools endpoint requires an API key since it’s public data similar to many other endpoints not requiring an API key, but maybe there is a good reason for this I’m not aware of.