Properties of aggTrade object


according binance swagger documentation
there is an object AggTrade. This object has pproperties, which are only letters. Concretelly there are this letters: a, p, q, f, l, T, m and M. Specially last two are problem for me. I would like to use openapi-generator-maven-plugin, to generate java classes directly from yaml. Problem is in generated method names. In java are getters and setters generated with name getM()/setM for both properties (m,M). Is it possible to correct the api to not use only letters, but whole names for property names?


Those are the returned fields from the /api/v3/aggTrades endpoint and we can’t change it.

Hi @aisling2 ,
obviously it is an issue in the API, can we somehow create ticket for Binance developers to correct it?
Or is there any other way how to fix this?