product sold out info??

I post in the Flexible Product List endpoint ,/sapi/v1/lending/daily/product/list passing the SUBSCRIBABLE param and the result for LDO token is

“productId”: “LDO001”,
“asset”: “LDO”,
“status”: “PURCHASING”,
“canPurchase”: true,
“canRedeem”: true,
“featured”: true,
“avgAnnualInterestRate”: “0.01999835”,
“purchasedAmount”: “500000”,
“upLimit”: “500000”,
“upLimitPerUser”: “30000”,
“minPurchaseAmount”: “1”

The site however displays “the product has sold out” message.

it’s possible that you have reached the personal up limit.

hmm is not that, and even so i want to know which attribute/endpoint the site reads to display “the product is sold out” msg