Problems with new localentity endpoints in Wallet API

I am currently in the process of expanding an existing wallet client to include the newly introduced localentity endpoints with travel rules. Unfortunately, I’m having problems creating a new withdraw.

All attempts to create a withdraw with the new interface are rejected with 500 Internal Server Error and the error message {“code”:-1000, “msg”: “An unknown error occurred while processing the request.”}. are rejected. The same request with the old API works without any problems.
Here is an example script:

#!/usr/bin/env bash


Set up the request:


TS=$(date +%s000)
BODY=“address=$ADDRESS&amount=0.002&coin=ETH&questionnaire={"isAddressOwner": 1}”
SIG=$(echo -n “$PARAMS$BODY” | openssl dgst -sha256 -hmac “$PRIVATE_KEY” | sed ‘s/SHA2-256(stdin)= //g’)

Send the request:

curl -H “X-MBX-APIKEY: $API_KEY” -H “Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded” -X “POST” -d “$BODY” “$API_CALL?$PARAMS&signature=$SIG

The questionnaire also appears to be correct, as otherwise the message “Questionnaire format not valid.” or “Questionnaire must not be blank” is displayed.

Have you seen this page: Withdraw Questionnaire Content | Binance Open Platform?
Even if it isn’t mentioned in the error, you may need to provide more details in the questionnaire to make the request work.

Yes, I know this page and I’m using a New Zealand based account for testing.
Therefore the questionnaire in my example should work.
“isAddressOwner”: true

However, I have also tested all the other possible combinations mentioned in the document for NZ. The result is always the same.
Is there a way to identify which country rules are expected?