Problem creating new order in Testnet

So im experimenting with the binance testnet and when I try to create a new order I get the following error: -2010, ‘Account has insufficient balance for requested action.’
The order params are:
‘symbol’: ‘BNBBUSD’,
‘side’: ‘BUY’, ‘type’:
‘timeInForce’: ‘GTC’,
‘quantity’: 1,
‘price’: 271,
‘trailingDelta’: 100

How can I resovle this error?

Also when I try to connect my test api key and secret to Spot I get the following error:
-2015, ‘Invalid API-key, IP, or permissions for action.’

Currently Im just connecting my real api and secret key to Spot and then switch to the test api and key when trying to place order. Why do I get error 2015 when trying to connect the test api and secret to Spot but not when Im trying to make a new order?

‘Account has insufficient balance for requested action.’`

You don’t have enough BUSD. You need to track if you still have enough BUSD balance available, maybe it’s locked in open order or maybe really no more enough BUSD to use.
If you need more BUSD in your account, you can create a new Testnet account or wait for the monthly reset.

-2015, ‘Invalid API-key, IP, or permissions for action.’
Please look into why do I see this error "Invalid API-key, IP, or permissions for action."