Post only order rejection responses

I’ve recently been trading using post only orders by setting the timeInForce=‘GTX’, and I noticed that for some orders, they would simply spoof without returning any error messages.

Normally, if I trade with timeInForce=‘GTC’, some of my orders would trigger error responses like “Order would immediately trigger” or “ReduceOnly Order is rejected”, but with post only orders, I don’t get any error message, binance server would always return saying it received my order, and the orderStatus would be ‘NEW’, however, often the order will almost immediately disappear and spoof, leaving no history of the order ever existed.

I’m assuming this is because the order I sent isn’t able to be triggered as a maker order, so binance server simply deletes it without returning any error message? Is this normal?

you can set newOrderRespType=RESULT to ask the server to return the execution results, not just ACK message.

I just tested sending orders with newOrderRespType=‘RESULT’, the server response seems to be exactly the same as before :frowning: