Position is not closed due to a residual quantity that stays in the position

I have a crypto bot that uses a LIMIT order total quantity to close a position. That limit order will always get the [‘positionAmt’] from the /fapi/v3/positionRisk endpoint.

Although my crypto bot places a limit order with the exact total quantity placed on that position array attribute, somehow, and sometime, the position is not closed and leaves a 0.01 quantity open.

I am recording every 15 minutes the position amount, and I already confirmed that my profit order have exactly the same quantity as the value I am receiving on the positionRisk endpoint. As example:

On a ALGO/USDT position the profit order had “executedQty” = 11919.5, as the same as the positionRisk endpoint for this position trading pair, but the REAL quantity was 11919.51 . So, the position was kept open with a 0.01 quantity (and then impossible to close it with a market order because the min notional was 5).

Anyone got this issue, or any thoughts about what am I doing wrong? Thank you!