Order updateTime > timestamp+recvWindow. How?

updateTime is greater then timestamp+recvWindow. How is it possible?

POST https://fapi.binance.com/fapi/v1/order
Request: timestamp=1652263924829&recvWindow=50&symbol=BTCBUSD&type=LIMIT&side=BUY&newClientOrderId=1706326771397599-29608&newOrderRespType=RESULT&quantity=0.001&price=32039&timeInForce=GTX


The recvWindow + timestamp check is performed at the very start of the process. While the update time is calculated when the state of the order changes (In this case, the moment the order was placed on the order book).

It is possible that the updateTime > (timestamp + recvWindow) due to the latency between accepting the request and placing the order.