Order randomly disappeared after sending

I sent a limit buy order on the symbol XRPUSDT, and received the following response back from the binance server:

{‘orderId’: 17746845481, ‘symbol’: ‘XRPUSDT’, ‘status’: ‘NEW’, ‘clientOrderId’: ‘L0RqRCP9yPKaNGumzQ8PWO’, ‘price’: ‘1.1340’, ‘avgPrice’: ‘0.00000’, ‘origQty’: ‘6’, ‘executedQty’: ‘0’, ‘cumQty’: ‘0’, ‘cumQuote’: ‘0’, ‘timeInForce’: ‘GTX’, ‘type’: ‘LIMIT’, ‘reduceOnly’: False, ‘closePosition’: False, ‘side’: ‘BUY’, ‘positionSide’: ‘BOTH’, ‘stopPrice’: ‘0’, ‘workingType’: ‘CONTRACT_PRICE’, ‘priceProtect’: False, ‘origType’: ‘LIMIT’, ‘updateTime’:

From the server response, it seems everything is fine, binance received the order that was sent, but when I checked on the binance trading website, the order did not appear at all, and there was no trace of it. This was only a one time occurrence, like 1 out of 30 test orders that I sent out, but it did happen.

Has anyone else encountered this? How do I stop it from happening?

Hi. It is possible to experience some delay when there is a trading spike and the server get over-occupied. When this happens, please wait for some time and then refresh the page. Thanks for understanding.