One order in openning order, but cannot find it by fetch by orderid/clientOrderId

Hello, i use the api/v3/openOrders api with symbol=BTCUSDT and the response is [{"symbol":"BTCUSDT","orderId":23666714489,"orderListId":-1,"clientOrderId":"adm_8c2e_64fa_4a45_8a0a_78fef27acaf1","price":"43890.00000000","origQty":"0.23000000","executedQty":"0.00000000","cummulativeQuoteQty":"0.00000000","status":"NEW","timeInForce":"GTC","type":"LIMIT","side":"SELL","stopPrice":"0.00000000","icebergQty":"0.00000000","time":1702248251222,"updateTime":1702248251222,"isWorking":true,"workingTime":1702248251222,"origQuoteOrderQty":"0.00000000","selfTradePreventionMode":"EXPIRE_MAKER"}]

we can see the orderId is 23666714489,
and clientOrderId is adm_8c2e_64fa_4a45_8a0a_78fef27acaf1.

so i use the api/v3/order api to search the order.

when i use the orderId to search, the reponse is {"code":-2026,"msg":"Order was canceled or expired with no executed qty over 90 days ago and has been archived."}

when i use the clientOrderId to search, the reponse is {"code":-2013,"msg":"Order does not exist."}.

i can see the order is new status in binance website, when i use api/v3/openOrders i still can find it.
but why i use api/v3/order to search, the order cannot find.

how can i resolve it ?

please feel free to provide order details to the customer support, they can help to take a closer look.

thank you