Not all trades listed in response to /api/v3/myTrades

For one of the pairs I only get a single trade returned, while there should be 6, every time I make the request. For another pair, I usually get 10 of them (all trades), but sometimes less, like 7?! What is going on?

I’m issuing the request manually with human grade delay between the requests (in order to not hit any IP limits).

It will be helpful if you show your request url.

Do you see those trades in the public methods like “Old Trade Lookup” or “Compressed/Aggregate Trades List”? If the issue persists in the public methods, can you please share links to those so that we could see it?

Here is the URI :

>>> len(client.get_my_trades(symbol=symbol, recvWindow=60000))
DEBUG:urllib3.connectionpool: "GET /api/v3/myTrades?recvWindow=60000&symbol=BTCUSDT&timestamp=1626701330313&signature=649e807a8e03fbed83b61a7ae4b94d7404d2fba418951ce9192dc73ad0649f04 HTTP/1.1" 200 446
>>> len(client.get_my_trades(symbol=symbol, recvWindow=60000))
DEBUG:urllib3.connectionpool: "GET /api/v3/myTrades?recvWindow=60000&symbol=BTCUSDT&timestamp=1626701331452&signature=229f8c9f5e9fb3cd7eebf092c35c72baf725f8df6adb6dd7c3d833ee86b7b495 HTTP/1.1" 200 211

As you can see the same request returned 6 and then 1 results in the response. FWIW, I’m using