Not able to retrieve full c2c (p2p) history, timestamps not considered in query


I’m trying to create my logic to retrieve all p2p orders under my account, I got this endpoint:

…which gives me pretty much what I need, but it only fetches latest 22 results (probably time related but I can only get 22 which are basically page 1 and 2 that I can see on my binance app).

I’m performing my test by using the Collection provided from some help-place on binance, this example seems to fail, so I need some help to get the right direction on how to call this endpoint:

When I try to use the start/end time stam, I get a “parameter err”:

When I try to use the page and rows it does no difference.
For page 1 = I get 22.
For page 2 = I get 0.
For rows = 100 I get 22.
For rows > 100 I get error.
For rows = 10 I still get 22 :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Can somebody provide me the right parameters to get all my orders? also I would like to specify the PAIR to retrieve information, which is not provided on this example, but I see some questions about it (I.e here: Fetch all account orders)

Thanks in advance.

thanks for feedback, we will look into this.

Hi. Could you provide the error log or screenshot for this case? We are trying to reproduce the issue, this will be really helpful to the investigation.

What I pasted there in the screenshot is all what I got from the API:

Basically this: