GET /sapi/v1/margin/allAssets returns total of 163 assets information. But Binance has 292 assets that you can trade isolated margin ( with usdt quote asset).
What about the remaining (296-163 = 133 assets) MinBorrow information? For example BADGERUSDT, HIGHUSDT , CVPUSDT , SCRTUSDT…
BADGER, HIGH, CVP , SCRT… are not included in GET /sapi/v1/margin/allAssets return data. Where can learn the min borrow quantity for these assets?
Thank you.
The minimum to borrow is equal to the stepsize for the quote asset and the ticksize for the base asset, that is, if you have 0.004BTC and the stepsize is 0.0001 you could place an order for 0.0041BTC where 0.0001 would be the amount to borrow