make minute data with spread

To conduct backtesting I need minute quotes with spread = ask-bid.

Here I see that you can download quotes, but I don’t see the headers (what each column means).
I’m interested in spot. This is usually done based on tick history.
The first closest ask and bid in a minute is taken. I can do it programmatically in Python, but I don’t know where to get it from aggTrades, klines or trades. Keep in mind that I’m recently looking at the binance API)

You can find more information about the different data fields here: GitHub - binance/binance-public-data: Details on how to get Binance public data

Since the ask and bid fields are not available, you can use the GET /api/v3/ticker/bookTicker and GET /api/v3/depth endpoints to retrieve them instead.


I saw that. Yes, there is ask and bid. As far as I understand, in:

GET /api/v3/depth,
GET /api/v3/ticker/24hr
GET /api/v3/ticker/bookTicker

I can’t request historical data?

I will explain why this is necessary: ​​
let’s say in backtesting I make a purchase, but there is no ask, I make it by bid (using minute data), which is not correct. To approximate reliability in tests, buy by ask, sell by bid. Metatrader 5 has a spread for this, it works out this in testing.

Unfortunately, there doesn’t seem to be any historical data available for bid or ask on Spot…