LISTEN KEY (ISOLATED MARGIN) why "symbol" parameter is mandotary??

Hello Binance API Team,
I have a request about isolated margin user data updates. As you will know “symbol” parameter is mandotary to receive user data updates in isolated margin. Here it is;

Can you make listen key isolated margin “symbol” parameter optional? (When called without symbol receive user data updates for all symbols)

In spot listen key and margin listen key endpoints you do not require “symbol” parameter, ones you register you receive updates from all symbol. And it works perfect. Can you make isolated listen key work as spot listen key/margin listen key which require no symbol parameter and you receive updates from all symbols.

In current key you have to seperately register for all symbols that is interested which will cause a load both in server side and client side. Please make the isolated margin listen key endpoint same as spot and margin listen key endpoints:) Thanksin advance for your attention.

The whole point of Isolated Margin is to isolate your positions by symbols. What you are talking about can be achieved in cross margin mode, Binance API Documentation

You are right but number of isloated margin pair (…USDT) is 285 and number of cross margin pair (…USDT) is only 138.
To trade much more symbol i had to prefer isolated pair.

You can try to combine your streams together to ease your management. So instead of 200 over websocket streams, you only need to manage one. Unfortunately, there isn’t any workaround for this.

Can you show how to combine streams? Will i receive updates from all isolated margin symbols with single registeration? Thank you.

Please refer to Multi userData Stream for Future API WebScoket, same logic applies for wss://

the answer is in the name ISOLATED, you cannot combine the balances you have in all the pairs

@Saratoga combining balances is out of my business. All i want is to recevie user data updates for all margin pairs (cross and isolated).
I think that acquiring listen key and registering each isolated pair separately is NOT a good solution.