List of assets manipulated (traded) by user

Is there any way how to get a list of coins that were anyhow manipulated by a specific API key?

It’s few years since I already asked this question and still, there is probably no simple solution.

I need to download the order/trade history of all coins that user traded. For now, the only way is to enumerate all pairs manually which is time and resource consuming.

Would be great if there was any flag, for example in “/sapi/v1/capital/config/getall” with same “lastOrderDate” or something like that.

Is this somehow possible? Or is it possible to implement it?


Unfortunately, so far there is no endpoint providing this specific information. If the definition of manipulation only includes buying, querying daily account snapshot endpoint GET /sapi/v1/accountSnapshot
( ) and then filtering out 0 value assets can accomplish it. However, if to consider the selling part is a must, there is a need to look up the order history.

Thanks for the reply.

I also found accountSnapshot and it seemed to be an ideal candidate for this feature.

Unfortunately, after some testing, we figured out that if the user creates quick trade (buy&sell a wholeamount) after this snapshot, such amount isn’t returned by accountSnapshot even as 0 value.

Although such an issue will be “fixed” after the next snapshot, this means that some users reported us that some of their trades are missing.

Any chance to get a better way how to achieve this? I found several other threads regarding this issue so I believe much more developers would appreciate if this would be possible.


Yes, your observation is correct. The data from GET /sapi/v1/accountSnapshot endpoint only gets updated once per day. If you have websocket user data stream subscribed, to maintain those transaction records will be a good choice.

Yes, I’m using websockets when the application is online (it’s a desktop app without any cloud because of security), but when the app is offline, I need to synchronize it from the last known state.

Any chance to pass this feature proposal to developers?

Understood your situation. Will try to bring up the internal discussion. Meanwhile, maybe you can try to let your desktop app write some logs to have the latest update from websocket stream. Upon restarting the application, the application can read the local logs and have the previous status back.

Thanks for reply and discussing this with your team.

Regarding the log, the issue is that the application on the user side doesn’t run 24/7. My application allows users to to check historical trades, PnL and accountings. So they are not running the app nonstop.

So there is no way how to log all necessary data. The only way is to query data after application start.
