Limit Sell Not working

Trying to sell coin but keep getting the error (440, -1104, Not all sent parameters were read, read 8 parameter but was sent 9. Code below please can anybody help.

def limit_sell():
coin_name = “BTCUSDC”
qty_sell = 0.001
sell_price = 107450
timestamp_t = int(time.time())
timestamp_t = timestamp_t *1000
params = {
‘symbol’: coin_name,
‘side’: ‘SELL’,
‘type’: ‘LIMIT’,
‘timeinForce’: ‘GTC’,
‘stopPrice’: sell_price,
‘timestamp’: timestamp_t
sell = client.new_order(**params)
#‘timestamp’: timestamp_t,
return sell

you should replace the parameter timeinForce by timeInForce.

thank you, things you do not notice having stared at the code for hours.