Issue with myTrades Endpoint - Empty Response for Symbols with Existing Trades


I encountered an issue when using the myTrades endpoint. When I call this endpoint for several available symbols, it returns an empty list, even though the transaction report downloaded from Binance shows trades for these symbols.

I’ve observed this behavior for the past three months. Previously, the myTrades endpoint would correctly return the trades for the requested symbols.

This is the request I’ve been using:, which now no longer returns the expected results.

I would appreciate any suggestions or guidance on how I might resolve this issue, or if there are specific settings to configure to ensure that I receive the correct data.

Thank you in advance for your help!

I would suggest you to contact customer support.

And how to contact them? Thanks!

I have the same issue
It’s for sure a bug, I’ve tested this on five different accounts
Most often are lost trades which happened 3-4 years ago
For example I see SYS/BTC trades in the CSV export data

but API request is returning empty response