Issue getting my balance on test net

Hi All,
I am new to the scene. I trying to get my test account balance but getting error message incorrect api.
please see my code below? What is it i am doing wrong here?

const Binance = require(“node-binance-api”);

const binance = new Binance().options({

APIKEY : ‘’,


useServerTime: true,



// const indicators = require("./indicators.js");

// const exchange = require("./exchange");

binance.balance((error, balances) => {

if ( error ) return console.error(error);“balances()”, balances);"ETH balance: ", balances.ETH.available);


Thanks in advance

Please open an issue with the library’s owner as the issue is related to the specific library in use.

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thanks for letting me know. Any chance i can i have the link please?

Cannot provide links. However you can search for the NPM package which includes a link to the github repository.

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