Isolated Margin Positions and Actual Price of Open Margain Positions


I have a couple of questions firstly, I have positions in ALGO and HBAR as Isolated Margin, however the don’t appear when I make a request to GetMarginAccountInfo.

Can you tell me which endpoint I should be using for this please.

Also is their an endpoint for Margin positions to return the Average Market Price of each current position? At the moment I am trying to calculate this manually based on completed trades and the performance is causing me issues.


  1. We are still waiting for isolated margin endpoints to be released in near future, then the Isolated margin info should be returned from API.

  2. The average price is not returned from API, however with data from querying order, it can be calculated from client side.

example data from

   "clientOrderId": "ZwfQzuDIGpceVhKW5DvCmO",
   "cummulativeQuoteQty": "0.00000000",
   "executedQty": "0.00000000",
   "icebergQty": "0.00000000",
   "isWorking": true,
   "orderId": 213205622,
   "origQty": "0.30000000",
   "price": "0.00493630",
   "side": "SELL",
   "status": "NEW",
   "stopPrice": "0.00000000",
   "symbol": "BNBBTC",
   "time": 1562133008725,
   "timeInForce": "GTC",
   "type": "LIMIT",
   "updateTime": 1562133008725

The average price can be worked out from
cummulativeQuoteQty / executedQty