Isolated Margin Account Transfer Out Amount???

Hello Api Team,

I have a question about how to calculate the transfer out the quantity of an isolated account quote asset when you have a position.
Let me explain by below position;
I placed an order in BTCST/USDT pair. Details below…

position.QuoteAsset.Free is 308.872$
position.QuoteAsset.Locked is 240.786$

I hoped to transfer out QuoteAsset.Free - QuoteAsset.Locked = 308.872$ - 240.786$ = 68.086$

But I can NOT transfer out any amount!!!. See below picture

Now my questions are

  1. How can i calculate the transferable amount?
  2. What is the usage of position.QuoteAsset.Locked?
  3. Above the second picture i see “Assets with a value more than 2.25 times of your total dept can be transferred out of your margin account”.
    Where does it come from the value 2.25? How can i learn it from API?

Thanks for your attention.

I realized that position.QuoteAsset.Locked is 240.786$ comes from my open order at 9.8$ for Quantity: 24,57000000.

You can use this endpoint to check your max transfer out amount for isolated symbols.

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