So I built an application that basically loops through my entire Binance history and keeps a copy on my database, for this I perform a loop through the days that I need only.
This means, If my last update was on 2022/1/1 and we are in 2022/1/5, I will fetch 5 days one by one.
So far this is ok, but today I noticed an issue, related to POSTING DATE versus LAST UPDATE DATE.
Imagine an example on which I placed a LIMIT order on 2021/12/31 and the sale was completed on 2022/1/5, because i’m checking just the “unchecked” range, this new value will not come to my results.
For me to make my app more performant (and also to avoid calling to many times for unnecesary data to Binance API) I need to query by using the LAST UPDATE date, instead of the POSTING date.
This is the endpoint that I currently have, the Start and EndTime refers to the trade creation time (when it was set to NEW), and basically I need to query when the trade was marked as (SELL), If there is an endpoint for this, please let me know: