Is there a way to listen to orders on a specific account via websocket ?

Is there a way to listen to orders on a specific account via websocket ?

What i need is to listen the order and write it`s information to DB and then repeat in another account with recalculation based on deposit of the second account.


get a listenKey from the account and subscribe with it to get orders updates only from this account.

Can you please point me to the documentation ?

This is how to create a listenKey and also has details of websocket streams.

Sorry, dude. But there is no information about order in this websocket feature. I just started user socket listening and placed few limit orders + marker order and nothing showed up.

Did i understand it wrong way ?

when there is an order, the user_data stream under same account will receive event of executionReport and also balance update. This demo can be helpful to listen to user_data