Hi , i’m trying to construct a local futures orderbook(depth1, only need best ask,bid) through btcusdt@bookTicker stream.
To monitor the time gap between the real bookdata and the received time, i’m tracking the timediff.
timediff = +new Date() - data.data.T;
At first, average time differences are below 5~10ms but within few minutes it quickly increases to 8000ms~500000ms that i absolutely can’t use those info at trading . sometimes it goes back to normal, but usually it persists like that.
i’m answering to the ping/pong stream and using AWS Tokyo region EC2 t2 with ubuntu+nodejs.
Is there any additional action that i should do to keep my websocket connection without the insane delays?
With same code, upbit and bithumb exchanges’ ws connections are maintained properly.
i’m attaching the partial code that i used to setup WS.
_setupWebSocket(eventHandler, path) {
if (this._sockets[path]) {
return this._sockets[path];
path = this._baseUrl + path;
const ws = new WebSocket(path);
this._sockets[path] = ws;
ws.on("ping", (data) => {
ws.isAlive = true;
ws.lastAlive = new Date();
ws.on("message", (message) => {
// logger.info(message);
let event;
try {
event = JSON.parse(message);
} catch (e) {
event = message;
if (this._beautify) {
if (event.stream) {
event.data = this._beautifyResponse(event.data);
} else {
event = this._beautifyResponse(event);
// logger.info(event);
ws.on("error", (e) => {
// node.js EventEmitters will throw and then exit if no error listener is registered
return ws;
actual path stream i used: