incorrect 'l' in OHLC

Incorrect ‘L’ in OHLC, triggering my OCO incorrectly. Below are 2 consecutive ouputs of Current BTC/USDT from my python script. my time stamps are GMT+5. You can see that “l” in the second output is suddenly dropped to 30998 caused my “STOP_LOSS_LIMIT” to be filled. I can share further logs but this is the main issue. I am testing on ‘SPOT Testnet’. Pls help?.

2021-09-28 10:53:03,531 {‘e’: ‘kline’, ‘E’: 1632808382915, ‘s’: ‘BTCUSDT’, ‘k’: {‘t’: 1632808380000, ‘T’: 1632808439999, ‘s’: ‘BTCUSDT’, ‘i’: ‘1m’, ‘f’: 1494192, ‘L’: 1494205, ‘o’: ‘42440.20000000’, ‘c’: ‘42392.75000000’, ‘h’: ‘42442.85000000’, ‘l’: ‘42263.43000000’, ‘v’: ‘0.25169800’, ‘n’: 14, ‘x’: False, ‘q’: ‘10661.17984461’, ‘V’: ‘0.05892900’, ‘Q’: ‘2499.86802406’, ‘B’: ‘0’}}

2021-09-28 10:53:05,558 {‘e’: ‘kline’, ‘E’: 1632808384940, ‘s’: ‘BTCUSDT’, ‘k’: {‘t’: 1632808380000, ‘T’: 1632808439999, ‘s’: ‘BTCUSDT’, ‘i’: ‘1m’, ‘f’: 1494192, ‘L’: 1494229, ‘o’: ‘42440.20000000’, ‘c’: ‘42392.36000000’, ‘h’: ‘42442.85000000’, ‘l’: ‘30998.00000000’, ‘v’: ‘0.33283600’, ‘n’: 38, ‘x’: False, ‘q’: ‘13669.97959274’, ‘V’: ‘0.09606700’, ‘Q’: ‘4073.95718419’, ‘B’: ‘0’}}


Testnet prices do not sync with the real price of their assets. Therefore, do not expect testnet values to match that of production.

Testnet allows users to test implementations and strategies.