BTCUSDT on 2024-01-01 from 00:00 to 00:01:
1-minute kline historical data is as follows:
1704067200000 42314 42335.8 42289.6 42331.9 289.641 1704067259999 12256155.26 3310 175.211 7414459.864 0
The first and last line of the aggtrades historical data in this interval are:
1965151407 42313.9 0.046 4426785111 4426785111 1704067200038 TRUE
1965152391 42331.9 0.028 4426788407 4426788407 1704067259889 FALSE
Based on the aggtrades data, it can be calculated that there were 4426788407 - 4426785111 + 1 = 3297 trades during this minute. However, the kline shows there were 3310 trades. Other inconsistencies can also be calculated from the data.