Implementation for API of data reading from credit cards buys and convertion tool in the website

today I was using a web service named “Koinly” where if you connect your binance .com API in read only mode, they can see your transactions and do a taxes report for you.
Then I figured out that with that API, they cannot read the credit cards movements and the transaction I did using the convertion tool on the website ( the one at this link ).
I think it could be very usefull for the people like me to be able to manage from API all the transactions they made, not just the ones in deposits\withdrawals and in the trades history (did by buying in markets).
Are you already working on implementing that transactions aviable for the API too?

Yes, it is a big limitation especially for applications that do trade analysis.

@binance when you are going to implement that in the API?

It is a very important feature to have.

Thank you for your feedback, we have this in the plan, but not ETA yet.

Much appreciated for your patience.

I need this feature too please