Illegal characters found in parameter quoteOrderQty

This code (C#) works ok

		await websocket.AccountTrade.NewOrderAsync(
			symbol: "BTCUSDT",
			side: Side.BUY,
			type: OrderType.MARKET,
			quoteOrderQty: 10M);

while this gets me an error

		await websocket.AccountTrade.NewOrderAsync(
			symbol: "BTCUSDT",
			side: Side.BUY,
			type: OrderType.MARKET,
			quoteOrderQty: 10.8M);

{“id”:“170e8a71-c721-4b7c-ab22-9a6e1b6b0dc5”,“status”:400,“error”:{“code”:-1100,“msg”:“Illegal characters found in parameter ‘quoteOrderQty’; legal range is ‘^([0-9]{1,20})(\.[0-9]{1,20})?$’.”},“rateLimits”:[{“rateLimitType”:“REQUEST_WEIGHT”,“interval”:“MINUTE”,“intervalNum”:1,“limit”:6000,“count”:27}]}

I noticed it cant work with float numbers - it works for 10 but doesnt for 10.8
I use Binance.Spot nuget package.

What is wrong with float numbers?

Thanks for the feedback, we will look into it.

Also pls take a look at this code, value “data” has a lot of ‘\0’ at the end. I dont know whether it is by design or not but who knows

using var websocket = new WebSocketApi(apiKey: ApiKey, signatureService: new BinanceHmac(ApiSecret));

websocket.OnMessageReceived((data) => ... , CancellationToken.None);

Hi, any news?