I have a question about get withdraw history.

Well, i tried to get withdraw history from https://api.binance.com/sapi/v1/capital/deposit/hisrec.But in Api document they said I can only get the 90days of data. However, my purpose is to get more large data. So i tried to change startTime and endTime. But It doesn’t work.
Here’s the code.
public URI generateUriDeposit(String accessKey, String privateKey, String url, long start, long end)
throws NoSuchAlgorithmException, InvalidKeyException {
MultiValueMap<String, String> map = new LinkedMultiValueMap<>();
map.add(“startTime”, String.valueOf(start));
map.add(“endTime”, String.valueOf(end));
map.add(“timestamp”, String.valueOf(System.currentTimeMillis()));
generateSignatureHmacSha256(“startTime=” + start + “&endTime=” + end +
“&timestamp=” + System.currentTimeMillis(), privateKey));

return UriComponentsBuilder.fromUriString(url).queryParams(map).build().toUri();

Before I use startTime,endTime it works properly so there isn’t any peoblem without this code. If ther any problem in this code please tell me. Or i can’t get data before 90days,Please tell me too. Thanks for reading.

Would you please share the error message you are receiving? Thanks!

i got a 400 bad request. And error message was -2014 . thanks.

There may be an issue with the generateSignatureHmacSha256 function.
Please refer to this repository for guidance on generating a signature correctly: GitHub - binance/binance-signature-examples: Examples of generating HMAC and RSA signature for Binance API