I can't do Market order (always status 'EXPIRED')


Can anyone help me please?

I’m unable to make a Market Order on the Spot Test Network (now I always get status EXPIRED), before I could do it!

My current account information is:
makerCommission: 0,
takerCommission: 0,
buyerCommission: 0,
sellerCommission: 0,
canTrade: true,
canWithdraw: false,
canDeposit: false,
updateTime: 1603110728793,
accountType: ‘SPOT’,
balances: [
{ asset: ‘BNB’, free: ‘1000.00000000’, locked: ‘0.00000000’ },
{ asset: ‘BTC’, free: ‘0.83000000’, locked: ‘0.00000000’ },
{ asset: ‘BUSD’, free: ‘10323.00000000’, locked: ‘0.00000000’ },
{ asset: ‘ETH’, free: ‘100.00000000’, locked: ‘0.00000000’ },
{ asset: ‘LTC’, free: ‘500.00000000’, locked: ‘0.00000000’ },
{ asset: ‘TRX’, free: ‘500000.00000000’, locked: ‘0.00000000’ },
{ asset: ‘USDT’, free: ‘10000.00000000’, locked: ‘0.00000000’ },
{ asset: ‘XRP’, free: ‘50000.00000000’, locked: ‘0.00000000’ }
permissions: [ ‘SPOT’ ]

  symbol: 'BTCBUSD',
  status: 'TRADING',
  baseAsset: 'BTC',
  baseAssetPrecision: 8,
  quoteAsset: 'BUSD',
  quotePrecision: 8,
  quoteAssetPrecision: 8,
  baseCommissionPrecision: 8,
  quoteCommissionPrecision: 8,
  orderTypes: [Array],
  icebergAllowed: true,
  ocoAllowed: true,
  quoteOrderQtyMarketAllowed: true,
  isSpotTradingAllowed: true,
  isMarginTradingAllowed: false,
  filters: [Array],
  permissions: [Array]

I’m trying to do following call (POST /api/v3/order):
symbol: ‘BTCBUSD’,
side: ‘SELL’,
type: ‘MARKET’,
quantity: 0.05

And now API always returns status ‘EXPIRED’:
symbol: ‘BTCBUSD’,
orderId: 282,
orderListId: -1,
clientOrderId: ‘Z97s0Oh8LoQc98QGwuCoST’,
transactTime: 1603110827738,
price: ‘0.00000000’,
origQty: ‘0.05000000’,
executedQty: ‘0.00000000’,
cummulativeQuoteQty: ‘0.00000000’,
status: ‘EXPIRED’,
timeInForce: ‘GTC’,
type: ‘MARKET’,
side: ‘SELL’,

Any suggestions are welcome.

Thank you very much!!

Expired market order due to no liquidity from this symbol. Please try to test on BNBUSDT, which has open orders.

thank you

How can I know liquidity from symbol?

Thank you dino,

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check the open orders on the market

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