Can anyone help me please?
I’m unable to make a Market Order on the Spot Test Network (now I always get status EXPIRED), before I could do it!
My current account information is:
makerCommission: 0,
takerCommission: 0,
buyerCommission: 0,
sellerCommission: 0,
canTrade: true,
canWithdraw: false,
canDeposit: false,
updateTime: 1603110728793,
accountType: ‘SPOT’,
balances: [
{ asset: ‘BNB’, free: ‘1000.00000000’, locked: ‘0.00000000’ },
{ asset: ‘BTC’, free: ‘0.83000000’, locked: ‘0.00000000’ },
{ asset: ‘BUSD’, free: ‘10323.00000000’, locked: ‘0.00000000’ },
{ asset: ‘ETH’, free: ‘100.00000000’, locked: ‘0.00000000’ },
{ asset: ‘LTC’, free: ‘500.00000000’, locked: ‘0.00000000’ },
{ asset: ‘TRX’, free: ‘500000.00000000’, locked: ‘0.00000000’ },
{ asset: ‘USDT’, free: ‘10000.00000000’, locked: ‘0.00000000’ },
{ asset: ‘XRP’, free: ‘50000.00000000’, locked: ‘0.00000000’ }
permissions: [ ‘SPOT’ ]
symbol: 'BTCBUSD',
status: 'TRADING',
baseAsset: 'BTC',
baseAssetPrecision: 8,
quoteAsset: 'BUSD',
quotePrecision: 8,
quoteAssetPrecision: 8,
baseCommissionPrecision: 8,
quoteCommissionPrecision: 8,
orderTypes: [Array],
icebergAllowed: true,
ocoAllowed: true,
quoteOrderQtyMarketAllowed: true,
isSpotTradingAllowed: true,
isMarginTradingAllowed: false,
filters: [Array],
permissions: [Array]
I’m trying to do following call (POST /api/v3/order):
symbol: ‘BTCBUSD’,
side: ‘SELL’,
type: ‘MARKET’,
quantity: 0.05
And now API always returns status ‘EXPIRED’:
symbol: ‘BTCBUSD’,
orderId: 282,
orderListId: -1,
clientOrderId: ‘Z97s0Oh8LoQc98QGwuCoST’,
transactTime: 1603110827738,
price: ‘0.00000000’,
origQty: ‘0.05000000’,
executedQty: ‘0.00000000’,
cummulativeQuoteQty: ‘0.00000000’,
status: ‘EXPIRED’,
timeInForce: ‘GTC’,
type: ‘MARKET’,
side: ‘SELL’,
Any suggestions are welcome.
Thank you very much!!