I am programming using python-binance. In the meantime, I’m asking because I don’t understand binance’s api regulation. Please help me.
The functions I will mainly use are as follows, and I concluded as follows by referring to the doc of Binance and doc of Python-binance.
weight : 2 | client.get_historical_klines_generator() | GET /api/v3/klines
weight : 1 | client.futures_get_open_orders() | GET /fapi/v1/openOrders
weight : 5 | client.futures_account_balance() | GET /fapi/v2/balance
weight : 5 | client.futures_position_information() | GET /fapi/v2/positionRisk
weight : 1 | client.futures_change_leverage() | POST /fapi/v1/leverage
weight : 1 | client.futures_symbol_ticker() | GET /fapi/v1/ticker/price
weight : 0 | client.futures_create_order() | POST /fapi/v1/order
weight : 1 | client.futures_cancel_all_open_orders() | DELETE /fapi/v1/allOpenOrders
[endpoint IP limits]
- Each endpoint with IP limits has an independent weight of 12,000 per minute limit.
[binance hard-limits]
- 6,000 request weight per minute (keep in mind that this is not necessarily the same as 6,000 requests)
- 50 orders per 10 seconds
- 160,000 orders per 24 hours
my question is,
Can I get the following results when I execute each command(1~8) once?
=> requests = 8, but weights = 16 -
If question 1 is correct, do I have to calculate all requests by thinking that they are 16 instead of 8?
Is the “6,000 request weight per minute limit of binance hard-limits” corresponding to the UID(accounts limit), and is the “12,000 per minute limit” corresponding to the IP limit?
[50 orders per 10 seconds, 160,000 orders per 24 hours] these limits only apply when i execute above command 7? Doesn’t the other command apply?
Thank you for reading the long text. Due to an API issue, I can’t proceed to the next step. I would really appreciate it if you could help me.