huge difference on USDC trades between the convert and avgPrice endpoints

there is a huge difference in USDC rates between the convert and avgPrice endpoints

Example: GET

  "price": "0.44112395"


  "ratio": "0.673328",

which is the correct value.

also - GET returns 0.688, which also is a correct value. the problems seems to be with USDC exclusively

how can I get the correct value from the avgPrice API?

even simply googling xrp to usd yields 0.69 (which is close-ish to convert), while 0.44 is simply wrong. no doubts here.

I’d appreciate any help as this is affecting our production systems right now and we needed to switch to other providers to mitigate the issue

best regards,

OK, I’m gonna answer my own question, so maybe it helps someone

currently, XRP to USDC trading has a “BREAK” status
more info here:

which means that rates under the avgPrice endpoint are NOT updated and therefore using this information is dangerous.

bad API design IMO - the least they could do is to return status along with the getAvgPrice response, but it is what it is.

closing the topic

The avgPrice endpoint returns the avg price during the latest trading time. If the symbol is on BREAK, there will be no new trades to update the avg price.

The exchangeInfo always provide the symbol info details.

yeah, that’s what I figured out as well. the question is how can we know what’s the reason for the “BREAK” status or when the trading will be resumed?