How to use testnet API


I successfully get the balance of my real binance account with my API Key, but I would like to use a test account to make fake order. I found this post :

I get the API key for the SPOT Testnet application, but when I try to use it in my web application, I have an error which say that API key are not correct.

Could you help me to use this test account ?

Thanks for your help.

Do you use API BASE URL like this: “” ?

I am using this API :

Where should I use this API BASE URL ?


The npm package you use does not support spot testnet. Only futures testnet is supported there.

You may have to write your own API call to the testnet.

Thanks, and can I use the futures testnet API key to make orders ? Because I try to use the API key from the futures testnet and it doesn’t seem to work either…

I don’t think you did it the right way. How did you initialize an instance? More details and what error did you get?

I have this error :
code: -2015
msg: “Invalid API-key, IP, or permissions for action, request ip: xx.xx.xx.xx”

But I can’t find where we can choose the IP parameters

I have this error :
code: -2015
msg: “Invalid API-key, IP, or permissions for action, request ip: xx.xx.xx.xx”

But I can’t find where we can choose the IP parameters

@RD2 We have an article about that error message: why do I see this error "Invalid API-key, IP, or permissions for action."

“But I can’t find where we can choose the IP parameters” -

  1. You’re still pointing to using testnet key/secret
  2. You’re using prod key/secret to query

Let me ask you again - How did you initialize your instance?

Here is my code :

import Binance from "node-binance-api";

const binance = new Binance().options({
  APIKEY: functions.config()?.binance?.apikey,
  APISECRET: functions.config()?.binance?.apisecret,
  useServerTime: true,

export const futuresExchangeInfo = functions.https.onCall(async () => {
  return binance.futuresExchangeInfo();

export const getBalances = functions.https.onCall(async (data) => {
  return getBalance();

function getBalance() {
  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    binance.balance((error, balances) => {
      if (error) {
        return reject(error);

export const prices = functions.https.onCall(async (data) => {
  return binance.prices();

export const futuresAllOrders = functions.https.onCall(async (data) => {
  return binance.futuresAllOrders();

API key and secret are is a separate file.

How could you expect to connect to testnet when you didn’t explicitly say you want to connect to it?

Use this:

const binance = new Binance().options({
  APIKEY: functions.config()?.binance?.apikey,
  APISECRET: functions.config()?.binance?.apisecret,
  useServerTime: true,

I’ve had the same problem. After some reverse engineering of the node-binance-api package, I found that it is not enough to specify “test: true” in the connection options.
On the contrary, you must also specify the testnet endpoint: because the package does not have it in its programming.

Here is a portion of my code, working

// my   ./config/binance_apikeys
module.exports = { 
  api_key: 'your-test-or-live-api-key',
  api_secret: 'your-test-or-live-api-secret',
  test: true          // true to point testnet API

// my Testnet or Live Connection
const apiKeys = require('./config/binance_apikeys')
const client = new Binance({
  APIKEY: apiKeys.api_key,
  APISECRET: apiKeys.api_secret,
  test: apiKeys.test,
  urls: {
    base: apiKeys.test ? '' : undefined    // testnet endpoint or default

Thanks buddy
It’s working perfectly.
you can only pass test url(not test:true) for test real fake order, it will output a placed order details,
with (test:true) you’ll only get black order object.