Hello to all!
I am just getting started with API.
Currently I am using the unofficial PHP library
(GitHub - jaggedsoft/php-binance-api: PHP Binance API is an asynchronous PHP library for the Binance API designed to be easy to use. https://github.com/binance-exchange/php-binance-api)
that interacts with the API.
Here is my question:
Whenever I am placing an order be it (buy/sell) does the comission(fee) is calculates
automatically or I need to calculate it myself?
Qoute balance: 10000.00 USDT
Base asset BTC price: 5000.00 USDT
When I am placing an order with comission(fee) 0.001
So I am placing a buy order and do I need to substract the fee which is 10.00 USDT
or I need to put quantity of 2 BTC or 1.998 BTC (adjusted with fee)
the same goes with sell order - do i need to just put all of my BTC balance and place an order or
i need to calculate first the fee then place an order?
Or simple said: how to use 100% of my balanced before placing an order?