How to separate leveraged pairs from exchangeInfo spot api response?

Some pairs can be separated with isMarginTradingAllowed = false and permissions set just to spot, BUT let’s take a look at AUDIO/BTC pair on the BINANCE interface.

As you can see AUDIO/BTC pair have 3x leverage indicator and when I filter All Margin pairs, it’s listed on margin pair list, in the other hand when I look to exchangeInfo Api response it has the below parameters

“symbol”: “AUDIOBTC”,
“isMarginTradingAllowed”: false,
“permissions”: [“SPOT”]

so can someone explain to me what I’m missing? I’m new in trading and Binance API, trying to understand and read the responses carefully, any help will be appreciated, Thank you in advance

Hi. What you are looking at, AUDIOBTC, is only available for isolated margin and exchange info API (I believe you got the data from this endpoint) permissions and isMarginTradingAllowed indicates if cross margin is allowed or not.
You can check on these 2 endpoints to see the difference.

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Thank you very much, so there is no parameter on exchangeInfo API response (/api/v3/exchangeInfo)
to separate isolated margin allowance, did I understood this correctly?

As far as I can understand and as you can see as well from the screenshot it is available for Spot and for Isolated x3 trade, right?

To find the Isolated pairs I need to crosscheck the exchangeInfo response from the response of the below Isolated API? Am I right?

Yes, exchangeInfo API does not include isolated margin. You have to check this /sapi/v1/margin/isolated/allPairs endpoint for isolated margin pairs.