Im struggle a bit…
I create a margin buy order, and then a closing order, but always i have remaining borrowing quantity… in the app or site we can click buttons „repay/repay all“, but how i can call this with the api?
Just c# code, creating test Sell Order…
client.SpotApi.Trading.PlaceMarginOrderAsync(“BTCUSDT”, OrderSide.Sell, SpotOrderType.Market, quantity: 0.1m, sideEffectType: SideEffectType.MarginBuy, isIsolated: false, price: null);
„Closing order“…
client.SpotApi.Trading.PlaceMarginOrderAsync(“BTCUSDT”, OrderSide.Buy, SpotOrderType.Market, quantity: 0.1m, sideEffectType: SideEffectType.AutoRepay, isIsolated: false, price: null);
If you see, i use marginbuy and autorepay, so i dont understand why there is always remaining quantity with autorepay…
Maybe anyone can help me