How to releaseCoin with "authType": "FUND_PWD"

I want to request API {{url}}/sapi/v1/c2c/orderMatch/releaseCoin with “authType”: “FUND_PWD”.

Raw request
“orderNumber”: “xxxx”,
“authType”: “FUND_PWD”,
“payId”: “xxx”,
“code”: “”

Please help me generate code by FUND_PWD.

Hello, where did you obtain the /sapi/v1/c2c/orderMatch/releaseCoin?
We only have knowledge on the only C2C endpoint listed at Binance API Documentation

I obtain it from merchant API document

Do you have a point of contact for the Merchant product? Or perhaps you can contact their support at Crypto Merchant Support & FAQ | Binance Pay Merchant.
Unfortunately, we don’t have knowledge on the functionality of the referred c2c endpoint on this side.

@HuuNguyen312 did you get solution? i am having the same issue and i cant find solution anywhere