I need the negative realised profit when my stop market order has been triggered.
Unfortuantely in the order update response the realised profit is 0. How can I retrieve it ?
Also, why is a stop market order always expired when triggered?
'o': {'L': '0',
'R': True,
'S': 'SELL',
'T': 1626015119419,
'a': '21.49500',
'ap': '0',
'b': '0',
'c': 'gLmERIDu6F0uQsVdC4CJRn',
'cp': True,
'f': 'GTC',
'i': 8389765502034101488,
'l': '0',
'm': False,
'ot': 'STOP_MARKET',
'p': '0',
'pP': False,
'ps': 'BOTH',
'q': '0',
'rp': '0',
's': 'ETHUSDT',
'si': 0,
'sp': '2137',
'ss': 0,
't': 0,
'x': 'EXPIRED',
'z': '0'}}