How to get futures transaction data opened by users?

I want to access the long short data that other users have opened on futures, I know there are websites that access this data. Through which API can I access this data?

Not all data that is available from UI has the API endpoint, but you could find all the available endpoints from this document.

Isn’t there an API to listen to the given futures orders? The following amount of transactions were opened at this hour.

@EnesKeremAYDIN - So you’re looking for historical Futures data, correct? In that case you can leverage which stores all past data. The files are all in CSV format within compressed ZIP files and you can programatically fetch and ingest the data if you wish.

@jonte Yes, I’m looking for past trade orders, but I want this for other users’ trade orders, not for my own account. There are sites that list these orders, they can only access this data through Binance, I want to access it too.