How to get "fills" of filled filled orders back in time?


I am interested in fetching and processing the fills of historical orders which have been filled in the past. When you create a new spot order you have the option to pass newOrderRespType=FULL which gives you the fills (docs are here):

  "symbol": "BTCUSDT",
  "orderId": 28,
  "orderListId": -1, //Unless OCO, value will be -1
  "clientOrderId": "6gCrw2kRUAF9CvJDGP16IP",
  "transactTime": 1507725176595,
  "price": "0.00000000",
  "origQty": "10.00000000",
  "executedQty": "10.00000000",
  "cummulativeQuoteQty": "10.00000000",
  "status": "FILLED",
  "timeInForce": "GTC",
  "type": "MARKET",
  "side": "SELL",
  "fills": [
      "price": "4000.00000000",
      "qty": "1.00000000",
      "commission": "4.00000000",
      "commissionAsset": "USDT",
      "tradeId": 56
      "price": "3999.00000000",
      "qty": "5.00000000",
      "commission": "19.99500000",
      "commissionAsset": "USDT",
      "tradeId": 57
      "price": "3998.00000000",
      "qty": "2.00000000",
      "commission": "7.99600000",
      "commissionAsset": "USDT",
      "tradeId": 58
      "price": "3997.00000000",
      "qty": "1.00000000",
      "commission": "3.99700000",
      "commissionAsset": "USDT",
      "tradeId": 59
      "price": "3995.00000000",
      "qty": "1.00000000",
      "commission": "3.99500000",
      "commissionAsset": "USDT",
      "tradeId": 60

This query parameter and information all together is missing when you query the order:

  "symbol": "LTCBTC",
  "orderId": 1,
  "orderListId": -1, //Unless OCO, value will be -1
  "clientOrderId": "myOrder1",
  "price": "0.1",
  "origQty": "1.0",
  "executedQty": "0.0",
  "cummulativeQuoteQty": "0.0",
  "status": "NEW",
  "timeInForce": "GTC",
  "type": "LIMIT",
  "side": "BUY",
  "stopPrice": "0.0",
  "icebergQty": "0.0",
  "time": 1499827319559,
  "updateTime": 1499827319559,
  "isWorking": true,
  "origQuoteOrderQty": "0.000000"

I would expect this to be available as it’s important for accounting and end of year reports.
Is there any specific way to fetch this data?

fills are trades, you can get all user trade from this endpoint. GET /api/v3/myTrades

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Oh!!! I searched for this so much and I can’t believe I missed it! Maybe there should be a note in the query order docs? Many thanks for your help! :slight_smile: