How to fund my TestNet account

When I am placing a Market Order I am getting the error

ccxt.base.errors.InsufficientFunds: binance Account has insufficient balance for requested action.

The Balance on my TestNet is:

{'asset': 'BNB', 'free': '1000.00000000', 'locked': '0.00000000'}
{'asset': 'BTC', 'free': '1.00000000', 'locked': '0.00000000'}
{'asset': 'BUSD', 'free': '10000.00000000', 'locked': '0.00000000'}
{'asset': 'ETH', 'free': '100.00000000', 'locked': '0.00000000'}
{'asset': 'LTC', 'free': '500.00000000', 'locked': '0.00000000'}
{'asset': 'TRX', 'free': '500000.00000000', 'locked': '0.00000000'}
{'asset': 'USDT', 'free': '10000.00000000', 'locked': '0.00000000'}
{'asset': 'XRP', 'free': '50000.00000000', 'locked': '0.00000000'}

The code I am trying is given below:

import ccxt

exchange_id = 'binance'
    API_KEY = ''
    SECRET = ''

    exchange_class = getattr(ccxt, exchange_id)

    symbol = 'BTC/USDT'
    type = 'market'  # or 'market'
    side = 'buy'  # or 'buy'
    amount = 1.0

    # extra params and overrides if needed
    params = {
        'test': True,  # test if it's valid, but don't actually place it
    exchange = ccxt.binance({
        'apiKey': API_KEY,
        'secret': SECRET,
        'enableRateLimit': True,

    # order = exchange.create_order(symbol, type, side, amount, price, params)
    # print(order)

    order = exchange.create_order(symbol=symbol,type='market',amount=1.0,side=side)

Is there anyway to fund my test account with fake USDT? How to resolve it?


The lowest ask of BTC is worth 40000 USDT in testnet. Try a smaller quantity like 0.01

OK Now I give the following output. Is this correct? Also is it possible to verify somewhere else?

{'info': {'symbol': 'BTCUSDT', 'orderId': 10126, 'orderListId': -1, 'clientOrderId': 'x-R4BD3S821bccd4c878a772ae18fbc9', 'transactTime': 1614841571691, 'price': '0.00000000', 'origQty': '0.00100000', 'executedQty': '0.00100000', 'cummulativeQuoteQty': '40.00000000', 'status': 'FILLED', 'timeInForce': 'GTC', 'type': 'MARKET', 'side': 'BUY', 'fills': [{'price': '40000.00000000', 'qty': '0.00100000', 'commission': '0.00000000', 'commissionAsset': 'BTC', 'tradeId': 1539}]}, 'id': '10126', 'clientOrderId': 'x-R4BD3S821bccd4c878a772ae18fbc9', 'timestamp': 1614841571691, 'datetime': '2021-03-04T07:06:11.691Z', 'lastTradeTimestamp': None, 'symbol': 'BTC/USDT', 'type': 'market', 'timeInForce': 'GTC', 'postOnly': False, 'side': 'buy', 'price': 40000.0, 'stopPrice': None, 'amount': 0.001, 'cost': 40.0, 'average': 40000.0, 'filled': 0.001, 'remaining': 0.0, 'status': 'closed', 'fee': {'cost': 0.0, 'currency': 'BTC'}, 'trades': [{'info': {'price': '40000.00000000', 'qty': '0.00100000', 'commission': '0.00000000', 'commissionAsset': 'BTC', 'tradeId': 1539}, 'timestamp': None, 'datetime': None, 'symbol': 'BTC/USDT', 'id': None, 'order': None, 'type': None, 'side': None, 'takerOrMaker': None, 'price': 40000.0, 'amount': 0.001, 'cost': 40.0, 'fee': {'cost': 0.0, 'currency': 'BTC'}}]}

Try fetch_order function

try testing on symbol BNBUSDT