How to find out the total volume traded for a specific coin into a specific interval

Hi all
Is there a way to get the TOTAL VOLUME TRADED for a coin into a specific interval?
Like I want to know what was the total traded tokens for ADA today between 08:00->09:00.
Or I want to know what was the total traded volume expressed in USD for ADA today between 08:00->09:00.
Regardles of what exchange was … like adausdt, adabtc, adaeth etc

For what I have studied the websocket methods there is no direct function to get this.
So how to implement this?

There is no endpoint to obtain this calculation.

One method to get this data is the following:

  • Query /api/v3/exchangeInfo and filter where baseAsset=“ADA”

  • Query /api/v3/klines for each pair and pull the volume

The expression “24hr rolling window” from documentation mean that if I receive a JSON with timestamp 08:05 the volume is from the last 24 hours total. Right?
In order to find out the volume info from last 5 minute I need to make a substract. volume from 8:05 - volume from 8:00. I feel that is not enough.

/api/v3/ticker/24hr aggregates for the time range from (now - 1 day) to now.

To get data at a more granular level, I would suggest using the /api/v3/klines endpoint. You can pass the query parameter interval=5m to receive aggregated data with an interval of 5 minutes.