How to decode BNB transactions ?

Vachagan Grigoryan, [6/6/22 12:13 PM]
Hi, I’m using my Binance node to build Indexer and have some problems with transaction. I just use get new block, it gives me Block information which have Transactions list.
Here is a Transactions example :
"data": { "txs": [ "5gHwYl3uCmvObcBDChSEUnYboObiFK9YykkylCY7ga5aMhIxODQ1Mjc2MUJBMEU2RTIxNEFGNThDQTQ5MzI5NDI2M0I4MUFFNUEzMi0xNjA5NzYxMhoMTkVYTy1BODRfQk5CIAIoATDfzxg4gPjjmC5AARJzCibrWumHIQKTL5c9qu8p1pTwIlNzHdd4wa702RgqP2pcZbPfxO63BxJAuEqOWdHn2UMa1FrDRu3rhRg1dKDcUPoyI53C3L0/UGI5Q6Eau0s3NOHqY5SRLx7LyhIRiPvTxsAl5eGtl1EzkhiAsREgy8LWBw==", "6wHwYl3uCnDObcBDChRBPEVNbSAfIbkhxWqBLYcmBGEwwxIvNDEzQzQ1NEQ2RDIwMUYyMUI5MjFDNTZBODEyRDg3MjYwNDYxMzBDMy03MTM2MjQaEEVUSC0xQzlfQlVTRC1CRDEgAigCMMDsid/HBTjAwKTSAUABEnMKJuta6YchA5ZpEX1XjZs8DVDo/T14+w6J2MVDUjMFeAZYVr29qxifEkB6qZOeRKqzr+fPiglNMoNsobTr9++byudAzoeFq0otiC4LlVq8sPiWuJ529wCM2bKC9jC3udAwBKdZGvRYfIhBGJXJrAIgl8cr" ] },
How I can decode this transactions to get txn messages ?
I’m already have some GoLang example but I guess there is missing fields, I can’t get Transaction Type

is there anyone who knows how to decode transactions to get information about Txtype ?

This forum is for the Binance Exchange platform, not the BNB chain. Documentation regarding Binance Chain can be found here ( and you may also ask integration questions in the official developers telegram channel (Telegram: Join Group Chat), other if you are using a third-party library I suggest contacting the owner of the library directly.