How long can I request a history order?

we help customers make spot trade :

  1. now is 2020/06/09. Can I request approximately 2020/03/01 's orders?How long can I request a history order?

  2. recently , our requirement is that we must backup our customers’ history orders data to calculate rebate whitch needs to suspend the order ID

  3. Can we request rebate’s data by every dealed order by order ID?

  1. Passing the timestamp into parameters of startTime and endTime in endpoint GET /api/v3/allOrders, you could search orders from any time window.

  2. same as above, all history orders can be fetched.

  3. I don’t think rebate data is available from API yet.

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Thank U very much :slight_smile: :slight_smile: I tried by GET /api/v3/allOrders with startTime and endTime (with 24h ) ,and I can get the history order(Within a specified time-24h)。

As for rebate analysis, I’ll figure it out myself later,I think, maybe I should try to contact with Binance’s some leader to sure that can i get whether we request rebate’s data by every dealed order by order ID or not.

that sounds a good idea :slight_smile:

We are a Chinese organization that does quantitative transactions.Who should I contact, or whether to provide me with the contact information of relevant personnel.Preferably the one in charge of the commission.Currently, Binance has been returning commissions to us every day. What we need now is the corresponding information of commissions for each transaction.

@Fantasy please contact customer support and see if they can provide you an account manager.

Account manager can provide premium customer support for VIPs.