How do you see which order types are permitted?

STOP_LOSS_LIMIT and STOP_LOSS orders for BNBUSDT worked on testnet a few days ago; they now return an error.

For example: {“code”:-1013,“msg”:“Stop loss orders are not supported for this symbol.”}

(I really hope this is a temporary issue and not a policy change… I would think that STOP_LOSS is a pretty basic/required order type?)

Anyway, the error message seems to imply that order types may vary depending on symbol. Is there a call which shows the order types permitted? I can’t see anything obvious.

The exchange information endpoint provides the order types each symbol supports.

Thanks, I missed the obvious.

A few days ago this was the response on testnet for BNBUSDT: "LIMIT","LIMIT_MAKER","MARKET","STOP_LOSS_LIMIT","TAKE_PROFIT_LIMIT"

Now it’s this: "LIMIT","LIMIT_MAKER","MARKET"

I looked at a few other symbols and they’re also lacking previously available STOP_LOSS_LIMIT and TAKE_PROFIT_LIMIT orders.

Update, we’re back to what it was a few days ago: "LIMIT","LIMIT_MAKER","MARKET","STOP_LOSS_LIMIT","TAKE_PROFIT_LIMIT"

Apologies for the inconvenience.