How do I get 24hr change in volume for coins ?

On coin market cap for every coin we have volume_change_24h, how do I replicate it on binance api ?

This depends on whether you want the PREVIOUS 24hrs or the LAST 24hrs.

Previous 24 hours refers to the previous day. From [current day -1] 00:00 to [current day] 00:00

For this approach, query the Klines endpoint with a 1d interval and use the volume of the previous day’s candlestick.

Last 24 hours refers to the previous 24 hours from the current time. From [current day -1] [current time] to [current day] [current time]

For this approach, query the Klines endpoint with an interval as small as possible and perform the summation of volume across all candlesticks for the last 24 hours. (The smaller the interval, the more accurate the summation of volume)

If you require this calculation to be updated every so often, I suggest to use the websocket instead of the REST API endpoint to avoid rate limits.