How can I obtain the timestamp for the spot individual-symbol-book-ticker stream?

I have reviewed the Binance API documentation for Spot individual-symbol-book-ticker-streams, which returns the following JSON:

  "u": 400900217,     // order book updateId
  "s": "BNBUSDT",     // symbol
  "b": "25.35190000", // best bid price
  "B": "31.21000000", // best bid qty
  "a": "25.36520000", // best ask price
  "A": "40.66000000"  // best ask qty

This response does not include a timestamp. In contrast, the Usdm individual-symbol-book-ticker-streams include a timestamp in the following format:

  "e": "bookTicker",         // event type
  "u": 400900217,            // order book updateId
  "E": 1568014460893,       // event time
  "T": 1568014460891,       // transaction time
  "s": "BNBUSDT",            // symbol
  "b": "25.35190000",        // best bid price
  "B": "31.21000000",        // best bid qty
  "a": "25.36520000",        // best ask price
  "A": "40.66000000"         // best ask qty

How can I obtain the timestamp for the spot individual-symbol-book-ticker stream?

Unfortunately, there’s currently no way to get the timestamp in the result when calling only the Individual Symbol Book Ticker stream.
One option is to combine this request with another stream that returns the current timestamp, but it won’t be completely accurate.