How can I get volume in Websocket

hi guys,

I use websocket (Kline/Candlestick) to get stock quote, I saw the documentation but I can’t underestend how to I get the volume negotiating

  "e": "kline",     // Event type
  "E": 123456789,   // Event time
  "s": "BNBBTC",    // Symbol
  "k": {
    "t": 123400000, // Kline start time
    "T": 123460000, // Kline close time
    "s": "BNBBTC",  // Symbol
    "i": "1m",      // Interval
    "f": 100,       // First trade ID
    "L": 200,       // Last trade ID
    "o": "0.0010",  // Open price
    "c": "0.0020",  // Close price
    "h": "0.0025",  // High price
    "l": "0.0015",  // Low price
    "v": "1000",    // Base asset volume
    "n": 100,       // Number of trades
    "x": false,     // Is this kline closed?
    "q": "1.0000",  // Quote asset volume
    "V": "500",     // Taker buy base asset volume
    "Q": "0.500",   // Taker buy quote asset volume
    "B": "123456"   // Ignore

Thank you

The Base asset volume (“v”) is the amount of BNB traded in the 1minute interval while the Quote asset volume (“q”) is the amount of BTC traded in the 1 minute interval according to your example. You can apply this concept to any symbol.